Press Release
Pop-up sculptures reclaim public space for women in Sofia
Art intervention boosts campaign for first monument honouring historic women
Press Release
BHC Filed Sixth ECHR Case against Bulgaria on Behalf of a Child from an Institution
The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee has filed the sixth case at the European Court of Human Rights regarding Bulgaria's improper care of a parentless children with disabilities in state-run facilities.
Repressions by Russian authorities against journalists in Crimea require a strong and clear reaction by the international community
Statement by the Civic Solidarity Platform
Nobody Knows the True Number of Victims of Police Brutality in Bulgaria
A new report of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee (BHC) raises big concerns about the number of cases of police abuse and the way they are investigated and prosecuted.
Icy conditions threaten migrants' health
The freezing temperatures across much of Europe have placed many asylum seekers and migrants in peril as they remain in ill-equipped facilities. This is one of the main concerns from the latest summary report of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on migration-related fundamental rights in selected EU Member States.
Press Release
Riot in Bulgarian Refugee Camp Caused by Political and Media Manipulation
Far-right parties and some media outlets created fear by spreading rumors about dangerous diseases in Bulgaria’s largest refugee camp, leading to quarantine and a riot in the camp.
Press Release
BHC calls on authorities to investigate reports of systemic human rights violations regarding refugee access to territory and international protection
Human rights defenders report many cases of robbery, physical violence or degrading treatment of asylum seekers in Bulgaria.
Press Release
Discriminatory 'Burqa Ban' Should Be Reviewed by Bulgaria's Constitutional Court
The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee wrote an open letter to the Bulgarian ombudsman, asking her to approach the Constitutional Court regarding the country's ban on garments that entirely or partially conceal the face.
Press Release
BHC Strongly Condemns the Attack on its Chairman Krassimir Kanev
The human rights activist was attacked today in the city centre.